The CMIW Bulletin

Browse our quarterly bulletins for interesting information and stories about Mission Information Workers!  The CMIW bulletins are lovingly created in three languages every quarter by our hard-working Editorial Team.   Click here to meet the team!

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July 2024

Celebrating Relationships, Resources, and Reach by Rodrigo Tinoco; An African Case Study; Another valuable MIW Virtual Conference! by Lara Heneveld; See You There!; Save the Date! Meeting of Information Workers at Lausanne 4 in Seoul; MIW Training Corner by Daniel Hoskins’; Webinar on Research for Impact; From COMIBAM: (It happened!!!) The Formation of a Research Team; Special Profile: Pedro Kapingana; Information From the Word by Stephanie Kraft.

April 2024

Librarians and Archivists by Joan Spanne; State of the Great Commission by Matthew Niermann (edited); See You There! Meeting of Information Workers at Lausanne 4 in Korea (September 23); MIW Training Corner: Switch - How to Change Things When Change Is Hard; CMIW Conference: CMIWvCon2024 first week of June 2024; Special Profile: Joan Spanne; Information From the Word: Esther 6:1.

January 2024

Strategic Decision-Making in Our Changing World by Dean Carlson (One Challenge); Research for Strategic Sending by Kerry A. Olson (Bethany International); MIW Training Corner: Prompt Engineering Specialization, Global Orality Mapping Project (GOMAP); CMIW Conference - June 2024; Special Profile: Valeria Ortiz (Argentina); Information From the Word: Luke 2:1-4 by Jennifer Poling.

October 2023

AI, Mission Information, and World Evangelization by J. Nelson Jennings; Practically Speaking by Stephanie Kraft; Christian GIS Group by Loren Muehlius; MIW Training Corne by Daniel Hoskins; Lausanne Workplace Ministry Network’s Public Reading of Scripture Call; Special Profile: Bolortuya (Boloroo) Damdinjav; Information from the Word by Peter Brierley (Mark 5).

July 2023

Our Vision; Mission Information Workers (MIW) Conference Report by Chris Maynard; MIW Training Corner; Special Profile: Adeolu Olanrewaju; Information from the Word

April 2023

Databases as a Wellspring for Collaboration; Kwiverr is a global consortium; MIW Training Corner; Special Profile: Rodrigo Tinoco; Information from the Word.

January 2023

Research in Hostile Environments; Practical Considerations for Doing Research in Security-Sensitive Settings; See You There!; Preparations for Lausanne 4; What an Opportunity!!; Special Profile: Bert Hickman; Information from the Word

October 2022

Gathering Information on Movements - A Synopsis by Stephanie Kraft;  Micro Data in Movements by Trevor Larsen; Brazilian Congress on Missions CBM2022 by Rodrigo Tinoco; Mission Information Workers Conference by Chris Maynard and Rodrigo Tinoco; Special Profile: Thalita Goulart; Information from the Word - Matthew 2:1-3; What an Opportunity!!: sharing examples of “Information from the Word?” and "Doing research in a hostile environment".

July 2022

Mission Information Workers Conference; Qualitative Research in Mission by Daniel Hoskins; Of Brands and Baskets by Stephanie Kraft; AMRI (Alliance of Mission Researchers and Institutions) Update; Measure What Matters by Randy Murray; Special Profile: Daniel Hoskins; Information from the Word - Ecclesiastes 5:2; What an Opportunity!! GlobalRize.

April 2022

What is a People Group Advocate? by Duane Frasier; People Group Advocacy by Anonymous author; Virtual Mission Information Workers Conference; AMRIConnect; “Evangelical Research: An Overview” by (Ed Dayton 1971) Stephanie Kraft; Special Profile: Jenny Oliphant; Information from the Word: Philemon 1:8-9a.

January 2022

"Historical research." China Historical Christian Database (CHCD) by Daryl R. Ireland, Alex Mayfield, and Eugenio Menegon; Cultivating Christian Community Historically: The Dictionary of African Christian Biography (DACB) by Michèle Sigg PhD; An External Review of the Dictionary of African Christian Biography by Dr. Peter Brierley; Special Profile: Willie Botha; Information from the Word: Acts 17:26-27.

October 2021

"The Visualization of Data." Missiographics by Michael VanHuis. Church & Station: Mission Map Visualizing Unreached Areas by Hokuto “Joel” Ide The Visualization of Qualitative Data: Words by David Emmanuel Singh. Special Profile: Sandro Oliveira. Information from the Word: The Bible is replete with parables and metaphors.

July 2021

Testimonies and Tidbits from CMIW’s First Decade; Alliance of Mission Researchers & Institutions (AMRI); Brazil and the Ministry of Missions Research; Who's Who in Missions Information: Gordon Bonham; “HIS” is changing its name (a little bit); Information from the Word: Genesis 1; Researchers Wanted!.

April 2021

Celebration Time!! July 2021; A Letter to Young Researchers by Stephanie Kraft; Mission Hits by Chris Howles; The Motus Dei Network and Mission Information Workers by Warrick Farah; Who's Who in Missions Information: Lara Heneveld; Refocusing People Group Data by Chris Maynard; Information from the Word Genesis 10; Call for Articles on Representing Data.

January 2021

Looking Back, Looking Forward; How can mission research better serve local leaders’ agendas?; The Great Commission Research Journal and Mission Information Workers; Who's Who in Missions Information: Loren Muehlius; Information from the Word: Acts 2:5-11.

October 2020

Collaboration in Data Sharing; Coalition of the Willing; Introducing InterSearch; The Hand Model: Reflections for research; Who's Who in Missions Information: Dan Scribner; See You There ... Virtually!; Farewell to a Second-career Giant - Ted Bergman (1938-2020); Information from the Word - developing rapport

July 2020

World Inquiry India Consultation II 2021; Missions in Flux by Jay Matenga; See You There ... with a Difference!; Ask, Pray, Improve (Global Data Initiative); Who's Who in Missions Information: Samuel Law; Information from the Word - I don't Speak on My Own

April 2020

Global Harvest Map; GMI’s Mapping Legacy; World Christian Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition; Who's Who in Missions Information: Marten Visser; Information from the Word - Order for the Glory of God

January 2020

Knowledge Stewardship for Kingdom Impact in 2019; Finishing The Task 2019; See You There!; Information from the Word - Go and see

October 2019

STRATUS; In Search of Other Bulletins for Mission Information Workers; Harvest Information System - HIS; See You There!; Who's Who in Missions Information: Sara Hewitt; Information from the Word - God's Perspective

July 2019

Pentecostal Research; Researchers, Stay Alert; Researcher Wanted; PROLADES News; Who's Who in Missions Information: Martin Osei-Buabeng; Information from the Word: Judged More Strictly

April 2019

Counting Missionaries; Temptations of the Mission Researcher; Who's Who in Missions Information: Levi DeCarvalho; Information from the Word - Faithful in a Very Little

January 2019

Missions Information at Urbana 18; Why counting churches is fundamental but not the whole deal; Mission Info Bank; See You There!; People Groups of Ethiopia; Who's Who in Missions Information: Clement A. Hlama; Information from the Word: Do hidden things happen?

October 2018

Jim Haney: Congratulations to you upon your retirement; Saying “Good-bye” . . . Moi & Vicki Lopez; See You There!; Who's Who in Missions Information: Special Profile: Maximo Alvarez; Information from the Word (Mark 8:14-28)

July 2018

The LIRC8; Research, Beyond Demographics; Letter to Young Researchers; Metrics in Missions – A Summary of Best Practices; See You There!; Special Profile - Tena Stone; Information from the Word - Research-enabled Spiritual Eyes; This Bulletin is Now in Three Languages!

April 2018

The World, the Word, and Research; What exactly are we after?; Toward a Biblical Understanding of Finishing the Task; Missions Mapping E-mail Groups; PROGRESS.BIBLE Launches New Product: SNAPSHOT; Special Profile: Atola Longkumer; Information from the Word - 1 Samuel 2:26

January 2018

What is a Mission Information Worker? – part two!; Missions Research – a Philosophy of Ministry; Lausanne International Researchers' Conference!; See You There!; "Where are my keys?"; Global Missiology; Special Profile: Warren Lawrence; Information from the Word - Caleb and Joshua

October 2017

More Than Interesting: Thoughts on Research Reporting and Usage; What is happening in Brazil?; Registrations are now Open for the Lausanne International Researchers' Conference!; Special Profile: Felipe Fulanetto; Information from the Word - Col, 4:16

July 2017

Bridging the Research Gap; GMI's Knowledge Stewardship Grants; One Man's View of Money in Mission Information Work; The 8th Tri-Annual Lausanne Researchers International Conference; See You There; Special Profile: George Gumah; Information from the Word - 1 Cor 9:8-18

April 2017

A Letter to Young Researchers: Ask Good Questions; KRIM and Mission Research in Korea; A Closing Down and a Rebirth; cartoMission; What about those international students in my hometown?; Special Profile: Désiré Kajabika Bisimwa; Information from the Word - Pray for the Spirit's use of mission information

January 2017

You are the Data; Coming Soon!!! A Global Classroom on Research; A Frank Word about Languages; See you there; Special Profile: Jason Mandryk; Information from the Word - Wisdom from Proverbs

October 2016

Research in the Lausanne Movement; A Mission Information Worker's Conference; Letter to Young Researchers; Special Profile: Nelson Jennings; Information from the Word - Deut 29:29

July 2016

New Online Community Will Help Practitioners Focus on Increasing Impact; Research on the World's Missionaries and Mission Organisations; Letter to Young Researchers; Mission Information Workers Conference; Special Profile: Bill Morrison; Information from the Word - Phil 1:27

April 2016

An African Welcome!; Kingdom Values for Evaluation Research; Can You Help the North American Mission Handbook?; An Invitation; Special Profile: Michael Jaffarian; Information from the Word - Jonah 4

January 2016

Dirty Dishes and Definitions; About the Term "People Groups"; See you there; Save these Dates: August 23-25, 2016; Special Profile: Suraja Raman; Information from the Word - Genesis 1:5

October 2015

Letters to Young Researchers; Let's Keep Collaborating: A Report on Ethnê in India; See You There; Special Profile: John Stark; Information from the Word - 1 Samuel 11:5-7

July 2015

The 7th International Lausanne Researchers' Conference: Participant's Survey Report; Reflections on the Lausanne Researchers Conference; See You There; Special Profile: Gerry Gutiérrez; Information from the Word - Genesis 1

April 2015

Getting the Numbers Across; Research Country by Country?; Please pray for the 7th International Lausanne Researchers' Conference; Special Profile: Molly Wall; Information from the Word - Joshua 18

January 2015

Understanding the Resistance; Fruitful Practices Research Project; See you there; Special Profile: Justin Long; Information from the Word - Proverbs 8:22

October 2014

You are Not Alone; 7th International Lausanne Researchers' Conference; Eurasia Media and Distribution Consultation; Special Profile: Dr. Samuel Kebreab; Are you or your organization doing BAM?; Information from the Word - Luke 16:8