The CMIW Bulletin

Browse our quarterly bulletins for interesting information and stories about Mission Information Workers!  The CMIW bulletins are lovingly created in three languages every quarter by our hard-working Editorial Team.   Click here to meet the team!

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July 2014

Why the hostility?; Mapping the Diaspora with Facebook; Reference Data Digest; See you there; Special Profile: Kannan R.; Information from the Word - Proverbs 11:1

April 2014

Our Work is a Work of Prayer; Pray with us for Operation World; Green Shoots Springing Up; See you there; Special Profile: Isebel Spangenberg; Information from the Word - 1 Cor 14:15

January 2014

Who Is Your Green Shoot?; See you there; Special Profile: David Markham; Information from the Word - Luke 8:17

October 2013

What is a Mission Information Worker?; Shall we Dance?; See you there; Special Profile: Chris Maynard; Information from the Word - Matthew 9:13

July 2013

Does Mission Information = Research + Data + Media Content?; Now We All Know; Will we see you there?; Special Profile: Cliff Holland; Information from the Word - Matthew 5:37

April 2013

Three Things Every Mission Information Worker Should Pray About; Our fb Experiment; Special Profile: Peter Brierley; Information from the Word - John 12:49

January 2013

Do You Know Something We Don't Know? - Searching for Multi-National Research Efforts; What's Next?; Special Profile: Rajesh Tiwari; Information from the Word - Numbers 13:31

October 2012

See You There!; Holding you in our hearts...and in our database; This and That...; Information from the Word - Proverbs 27:17

July 2012

Beginning Our Second Year Together; Deep Wells, Hey Look! (a good source of information); A Vision for the Christian Social Graph; Special Profile: Adaobi Ruby Okoro; Information from the Word - Proverbs 27:17

April 2012

Passing the Microphone to You; Correspondence; Special Profile: Peter Vumisa; Information from the Word - Matthew 21: 23-25

January 2012

Rounding out our Vision; Our Developing Community; Special Profile: Anton Ponomarev; Information from the Word - Proverbs 8:30

October 2011

Our Community of Practice; An African Data Initiative; Special Profile: Bob Waymire; Information from the Word - Luke 1:1-4

July 2011

The Global Community of Information Workers, Who are We?; A Report on the Lausanne International Researchers Conference; Special Profile: Ronaldo Lidório; Information from the Word - Deuteronomy 29:4